Friday, April 17, 2015

Starting again

Blog Entry:

Time to start tracking this whole thing again.  Winter was pretty slow.  Started doing the gym.  Wish I had more to report but there just wasn't anything exciting going on.

This week was first week after having a cold.  I got most of my runs in and got to the gym three times.

Trails are finally clear and a lot drier than expected.  I wore my Sportiva's tonight and punched through some thick mud a few times.  Workout was a 6 miler with 4 X 60 sec hill repeats thrown in for fun.  Legs were heavy but I picked it up after the repeats.  I can't wear the sportiva's anymore this year. Ripping my feet apart.  I love them but

I'll just suffer with wet feet moving forward.  Need to order a few pairs of N2's for the first half of the summer.  I'll get more later in the summer and hope to go into the hundred with at least two semi fresh pairs.

Workouts were strong this week. Shoulder is a little tweaked after yesterdays power pyramid workout.  We started with two min of pullups.  That's always fun.

It was nice to get on sketchy today.  I'm pretty lucky to have that thing right out my door.  Food intake wasn't as much as I was supposed to eat today.  I'll need to make up for it tomorrow and Sunday.  I have 16 miles scheduled for tomorrow. Going to try and hit all three peaks at pawtuck tomorrow.

Daily workout:  Sketchy Trail Hill Repeats

6.3mi Distance
1:01:06 Moving Time
9:34/mi Pace
Elevation 428ft
Elapsed Time 1:07:13


Breakfast - Works bagel with Ham and Cheese / coffee
Lunch - Salami/ ham/ cheese on pita- Lime corn chips - seltzer - 1 cup almonds 1 cup peanut M&M
dinner - Lentil-Crusted Salmon with Spinach-Yogurt Dal & Apricot Chutney - 1 Beer - 1 seltzer
Snack - 85% chocolate with Peanut butter

Short on calories today.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Updates starting with last week

Missed Sharpfit last tuesday:

Wednesday: Run with Ryan and Kristina 5 miles

Thursday :Bruins game- took rest day

Friday : Took another rest day?!

Saturday: HIIT followed by Kick Boxing class

Sunday: 16 Miles at Pawtuck - Finished in the rain.  Legs were beat from Saturday at the gym but I pushed through it.  Used poles for most of the run.  Tried out my new shoes and they were star performers.

Monday: 9 miles at Pawtuck - Somewhat warmer but had a bit of a chill most of the run.  Leg's felt good considering.  Loop I planned was shorter than I expected so I kind of blew it on miles.  I was going to try for gym but I decided on rest instead.

Tuesday:  SharpFit

30/30/20 Work/Work/Rest x 4 Rounds

Swings L/R
Clean L/R
Press or Push Press L/R
Racked Lunge L/R
Suitcase Deadlift L/R
Get Up Sit Up L/R

I used a 12Kg bell for start.  My elbow got mashed so I couldn't do some of the work on the left side so I did squats instead.  I was using a 16Kg bell for the cleans , swings , presses and lunges for the last three rounds.  Feel good today.


Option to run 5 miles easy - or go to gym.  Not making either of them.  Feeling run down and constant chill.  GI issues from dining hall.  Not sure what it was I ate that made my stomach mad.

Tomorrow :  Hill repeats!  Friday I'll probably do a run in the afternoon and then evening at the gym.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday fun day

Took Sunday off.  I shouldn't have but I did.  Made it to the gym again tonight and had the pleasure of doing the following:

9 rounds

Every round  do 1 burpee followed by jump rope. Increase the number of burpees per round.

4 min rest

Same but with pull-ups.

It was fun jump roping again.  Been some time.  Tomorrow sharpfit and then resuming running on Wednesday.  Lot of miles ahead of me this week.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Friday - was supposed to be an easy run but I decided to take another rest day.  Saturday morning I went to the gym with some friends and we got to do the following.

EMOM (Every minute on the minute)

1 pushup

4 min rest


1 thruster

Basically- first min do 1 pushup then jumpsquats for the rest of the minute. Minute 2 - two pushups followed by jumpsquats.

I doubled up on the pushups up to round 7 and then lost feeling in my arms.  On the thrusters I doubled up until I was only able to get 12 in per minute.    I went lighter on the weight -reminding myself that form was much more important than trying to look like the dudes lifting the bigger weights.  I could have and done single thrusters but I wanted to work on short burst of power and keeping proper form.

We had the option to jump rope or do burpees between but I decided on jump squats to save my shoulder.

Got home and took in as many calories as I could without blowing up my stomach.  Had to get out on the road to do 11 miles.

Run went well.  Mod pace.  Set my 3rd fastest time for 15k so I'll count that as a solid effort.  Almost got run over at the end of the run.  Not only did the jack hole almost run me over but he decided to flip me off and roll down his window to tell me to go fuck myself.   I'm going to start carrying a rocket launcher.

Here is the run.  You have to love the adrenaline at the end where I run 7's for the last .3 miles because of the happy man in the truck.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wed-Thur update

Wednesday night I opted out of the run to go over to the gym with Heater and Julie and Katie.  We got teamed up and did "Game Night"

Basically work for 3 minutes at each of these exercises while one person on your team tries to earn points by doing something (bowling down rollers etc etc)

2 rounds 3 min each round with 45 sec rest between rounds

Jump Squat
wall sit
pushup Hold

I did more sprint work than expecting retrieving my lost balls so I got some running in!

The cold air moved in.  I was up at 4:30am for work today and started the morning with -11 for temp.

I got home and was scheduled to do hill repeats.

I managed to eek out almost 6 miles and got my 3 hill repeats in.  Snow was a mess.  Hard to run on...legs were blown from yesterdays workout but I got it done.  I think it was about 3 degrees out when I ran so that was fun.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baby it's cold outside...

Took Monday off completely after Sundays fun.

Tonight was sharpfit.  

30/30/30    4 rounds

Plank left side/plank hip touches/plank left side
Clean left/goblet squat/clean right
Single leg dead lift left/sumo/single leg dead lift right
Push press left/ h2h swing/ push press right


Monday, January 5, 2015

Weekend update without Seth Myers

Saturday I did a workout at progressive training -  Went well.  A little more than I'm used to and still feeling it today.  I'd love to post what it was but I don't remember.

The exercises were  (not in order)

Wall Ball
one leg dips
V-ups with ball
single leg deadlifts
kettle bell swings

There was probably more but I think I blocked it from my memory

Later a group of us hiked Green Mountain in NH to check out a fire tower.  It was sketchy for sure. Nothing like having bolts fall on you while climbing it.


Met up with Kristina and Ryan -  Kristina wasn't feeling well so only ran 6 miles with us.  Ryan and I went on an adventure that had us slogging through wet trails..downed trees and tons of ice.

Wasn't a lot of miles but it busted me good.